Labor outsourcing

美 [ˈleɪbər ˈaʊtsɔːrsɪŋ]英 [ˈleɪbə ˈaʊtsɔːsɪŋ]
  • 网络劳务外包
Labor outsourcingLabor outsourcing
  1. A Research on Employee Satisfaction & Motivation Mechanism Based on Labor Outsourcing


  2. ' Companies , in the name of making money , substitute against labor through outsourcing or technology , 'says Allen Sinai of Decision Economics .


  3. Today , with the fast developments of economy globalization and the specialized division of labor , outsourcing has become one kind of universal phenomenon in the business community , and become an important link of enterprise 's value chain , and one politic way to add value .


  4. Reducing labor costs through outsourcing has provided only a partial answer .


  5. With the continued refinement of international division of labor , business outsourcing , has rapidly developed in the country .


  6. This paper combines the " quicksand phenomenon " of Chengdu Bus Corporation employment , takes its labor dispatch and outsourcing practice as case studies , especially how to foster the bus attached to industry outsourcing market competition . environment and get low-cost , high-quality outsourcing services .


  7. One is the use of " cheap labor "( i.e. , outsourcing ); the other is the use of ultra high degrees of automation through modern tooling .


  8. As this and other research shows , the magnitude of imbalances is such that migration and other forms of labor mobility such as outsourcing are likely to intensify in the future .
